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Luxury hair or luxury car? I know what a choice right? I was in Independence, Ohio this past week learning new business processes to bring back to the salon world. My world. I am constantly introduced to new people, new concepts in business that I bring back to you, our customers at Indulge salon. I am always up for conversation regarding business if you every want to talk about these with […]

Is your online bank safe?  As far as history goes we are used to going into a bank developing a relationship with the bank teller and the loan officer. We actually cared about the teller and their kids learning about their family and vice versa. Relationships were about trust and knowing if someone had a good banking history with them and for years at a time. Fast forward to today, […]

Getting ready for your Valentine can be daunting. You may want to prepare to have a smooth flow to your date about 7 days prior to your special evening. To help prepare you for your evening’s festivities, we wanted to ensure that you have enough time to grow out the bikini area or if you want to go full out with the Brazilian experience by all means get ready. We […]

Ok…Problematic Situation… As I come in the door from the gym, I turn to lock the two deadbolts, and glance at my favorite “goal picture.”  My goal picture is an advertisement of this gorgeous athlete model for Syntha-6 Protein Powder.  She has the most amazing rear, and of course, I want my rumple butt to look like that.  I thought that if I put it on my front door that […]

Why is it that a tan can boost our self confidence? We are in the day and age where our skin idols are Snookie and the cast of the Jersey Shore. Don’t get me wrong, this season’s Jersey Shore cast is in shape now more than ever before, and JWow has a body that could compete with any Victoria Secret model. Okay…off topic, I know, but come on…it’s true. A tan, whether […]

Normally, I skim the yahoo headlines (briefly!) every morning before beginning my day, and lately, all I’ve been seeing are articles about our “economic climate,” stocks, and the feds, and,to be honest,…I’m sick of it. My brain is overloaded by all the chitter chatter of the downturn of our economy. I studied economics in college, and yes, there are a zillion facets to our economic environment, and a million things […]

What is this Paleo, New Evolution Lifestyle everyone keeps talking about? Recently, I was given “The New Evolution Diet” written by Arthur De Vany. I had put off reading it up until last week, and even still I only read the first chapter and put the book down. I didn’t put it down because it wasn’t an interesting read, but because I’ve read so many “diet” books that claim they are the […]

Searching Google on Sunday brought me to an amazing video blog by TheLipstickDiaries. I always like to research new and inventive ways to creatively do my hair in the morning. So, after watching the tutorial, I decided to try it out! The best part is that you don’t have to use a curling iron or flat iron to complete this Vintage Curls look. Here’s what you need in order to try […]

The greatest thing about tanning is that you don’t have to be at the beach to do it… Tanning has options...and we, as Indulge Full Throttle Lifers, Love Options. Suppose you don’t like tanning in a tanning bed, you can lay out in your backyard instead. Perhaps you hate being hot, you can go have an airbrush tan service. Or, maybe you love tanning at the beach but can’t get […]

We know what you’re thinking…I’ve got to get in shape; I’ve got to get that flat stomach I’ve been attempting to pull off. Here’s the trick: You must be strictly watching your consumption of food, be consistent with your workout schedule, and be willing to modify your routine. First Thing’s First: I can’t stress enough how important it is to be strict about your diet. Make a plan of attack for each day (or the whole […]

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