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Spray on Tan in York PA

Why is it that a tan can boost our self confidence?

Salon York PA We are in the day and age where our skin idols are Snookie and the cast of the Jersey Shore. Don’t get me wrong, this season’s Jersey Shore cast is in shape now more than ever before, and JWow has a body that could compete with any Victoria Secret model.

Okay…off topic, I know, but come on…it’s true. A tan, whether it be a Driveway Diva Tan, or the delicate mist from an aerosol bottle, is a true self-confidence booster.Here’s what I don’t get-How do we go from high society and royalty staying indoors to avoid the sun and look as pale as possible to the more tan the better?

I have tried several self-tanners. The most recent self tanner is the Banana Boat “Summer Color” self-tanning mist. It has a light citrus scent, and seems to apply evenly while standing like a naked star. The hardest part about a misting self-tanner is applying evenly on your mid to upper back. I mean, it’s quite difficult to wrap your arm and aim the nozzle at the same time. Best bet is to have a girlfriend help you out.

After I’ve applied one coat, I start noticing and feeling instantly confidence about my body and my overall appearance. Hey, for $6.97, I’ll take confidence in a mist! Toward the back end of the week, and several self-tanning applications, I really start to feel good about myself. It’s an excellent way to start any day, especially a Manic Monday.

Here’s to Spray on Confidence!

As always,…Live your life…FULL THROTTLE!


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