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Defineyour color.Defineyou

Indulge Pure Originals Body Butter bars were created in 2009 to eliminate dry skin that plagued my dry skin. I didn’t know if it was nerves but all I was experienced is the most itchy skin that no cream I tried would stop the itching. If you want to try THE most amazingly perfect moisturizer in a bar with zero waste then run to this link  and try one of […]

I think I’m going to treat myself to this great little Neiman Marcus number! I love the classic cut and the sexy but sophisticated lines. The winter weather and dry heat are taking a toll on my skin though and pulling off this dress means I am going to need to pay a little extra attention to making my arms and legs soft, supple, and smooth—dry skin is not sexy!!! […]

From Dr. Oz moisturizers and the skin I watched this video and I thought you might find it interesting like I did. This recaptures the thoughts I had when I was searching out the best moisturizers to cure my intense dry skin. I didn’t flake, it was just itchy and dry. It could have been some stress related skin condition too, however; I did not have it treated. As I […]

I can only share with you the amazing results from grass rooting the product line Indule Pure Originals since February 2010. I had really dry skin that used to be so itchy that I used one of those old fashioned rollers that had the grippers on so the hair would stick to them when they were rolled into the hair for a hair set. Well, sometimes I would scratch my ankles, […]

Getting ready for your Valentine can be daunting. You may want to prepare to have a smooth flow to your date about 7 days prior to your special evening. To help prepare you for your evening’s festivities, we wanted to ensure that you have enough time to grow out the bikini area or if you want to go full out with the Brazilian experience by all means get ready. We […]

This information will blow your mind. I personally am a huge intaker of sugar. It didn’t happen all at once. It happened about about 16 years ago when my son was in the hospital trying to stay alive. He was 11 weeks old at the time and hooked up to all kinds of machinery to keep him alive. I am happy to say that he is 17 now and still […]