Indulge Salon
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Defineyour color.Defineyou

Here goes…another perspective on weight gain and guess where this one comes from? You guessed it. Artificial light. Back in the day when we had to run after our food for the nightly meal cooking over the fire pit, we now are accustomed to eating our meals indoors and by artificial light bulbs. Can you imagine we as humans used to spend 10 hours a day outdoors? That would be […]

So controversial this topic! The sun is up, the beach blanket is perfectly laid out without the bumps, you nestle yourself into your “spot” and let the sun do it’s work on your skin. Be careful not to go into the sun unprotected without your sunscreen. We carry a moisturizer with sunscreen to protect the skin from UVA/UVA damage. I was always a super tanner when I was a teenager […]

At Indulge Salon we can’t stop the aging process but we certainly can slow it down. While we have to realize that the type of lifestyle we lead can lend itself to speeding up the aging process. Late nights, too many cheese fries, grease pit food, not enough quality rest, stress, anger, boyfriend issues, husband issues, children, you name it, etc. can have major impact on our biological age. Age is more than […]

Indulge Body Butters All Indulge Soaps and Body butter products are handcrafted for Indulge in small batches to ensure the freshest, highest quality products available. Soaps will continue to harden over time. They are moist and fresh and harden as they cure. Soaps with vanilla fragrance in them may continue to darken in color over time. This is normal and is a natural part of the moisturizer and soaps. The fragrance will not change. […]

You know when you put products on your skin and five minutes later and you have to reapply because it just hasn’t stayed. It’s like the cute football player that was really nice to look at but as soon as they open their mouth, your mouth drops open you want to give him back because it doesn’t have substance but was really nice to look at. This totally relates to […]

Clients are clamouring into the salon and repurchasing the new Egyptian Musk. It comes in a creme’ pronounced Creme Brulee’. The lotion is really light as our customers have described. You know I love feedback with any of our products and services. Our clients have expressed that they don’t like the”greasy” feel and you know that we don’t want the grease feel on our clothes linens or anything else our skin comes in […]

Summer is a great time to be outside enjoying the weather, great outdoors, beach, and sun. Although it brings great weather, it can be very harsh on our skin. Laying out at the beach the sting of sand blowing in the breeze, the hot sun on our skin can completely reverse the care we gave our skin throughout the Spring.  It’s so important to maintain lush, moisturized skin especially through […]

A note from the co-manufacturer of the hand-made Indulge Skin Care Items… Consumers are faced with thousands of choices when it comes to deciding what they put on their skin.  A few products are truly amazing, some are pretty good, most are so-so, and some are downright lousy. What defines the difference between a truly amazing product and a downright lousy one?  First and foremost, it is based on the experience […]