Indulge Salon
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I’ve told you before about my diet Coke habit. It’s crazy really, because I know it isn’t good for me … but then, life is a little crazy … and I find myself giving into the craving for the sweetness of a soda. Let me tell you about a product line we carry at Indulge Salons that has really helped me in my constant struggle to resist the cravings, drop […]

Last week I mentioned that our Skin Care Specialists at Indulge won’t perform chemical peels in the summer months because of the risk of burning fresh skin. But even though the calendar tells us its spring, summer sun still seems to be quite a ways off. Why not take advantage and get a peel while you still can. If you are considering a chemical peel, let me tell you about […]

Do you have trouble passing up the box of chocolates a coworker brings in to share? One chocolate candy seems so harmless … so “not worth counting” … just a little treat. Until, of course, it turns into another … and another. If you think you are better off resisting the first one so as to not be tempted into a second, consider a different chocolate indulgence—a Chocolate Facial. Chocolate […]

It’s here. The Baby Boomer Peel is the latest addition to Indulge Salon’s lineup of skincare remedies and assorted products. For the whole month of January we’re focusing on bringing out all the fresh skin cells that have been lingering just underneath your dead cornea layer (the outside layer of skin). The cornea is usually just a buildup of less-than-attractive dead skin cells. It also accounts for an accumulation of […]

At Indulge Salon we can’t stop the aging process but we certainly can slow it down. While we have to realize that the type of lifestyle we lead can lend itself to speeding up the aging process. Late nights, too many cheese fries, grease pit food, not enough quality rest, stress, anger, boyfriend issues, husband issues, children, you name it, etc. can have major impact on our biological age. Age is more than […]

Did you know that women fantasize about getting enough sleep every night? I certainly didn’t. I found this informative article in Allure issued April 2011. Commenting on sleep is a Darrell S. Rigel, clinical professor of dermatology of New York University Langone Medical Center in New York City. We are supposed to be getting average of seven to nine hours of sleep per night. Getting the proper amount of sleep […]