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How to Lose Weight and Not Go Crazy

Salon York PA Why does it seem that whenever we begin a diet, we are fully intent on “finishing it,” but a week or so into the diet, results aren’t coming fast enough and we give up. The problem is that we are so used to getting instant results that we are disappointed when we don’t get what we want and get it right away. Here are a few tips on how to lose weight and not go crazy doing it:

1. Envision A Goal-Where you want to be is extremely important and knowing where you are going is the first step to any journey.

2. Pictures and Paper-Find any and all pictures of the body you are looking to have. Cut out motivating words and phrases. This is also known as a Vision Board. You’ll want to put all of your compiled pictures and words on this Vision Board. Put the board up anywhere in your house where you’ll see it every day. Constant reminders of what you want will only motivate you subconsciously to strive for your end goal.

3. Change it Up-If you have been working out at home, begin going to a gym, workout with a friend, walk/run outside, go on a hike. Do things differently. Weight loss is all dependent on you changing up your workout. Trick your muscles. Every two weeks you should be changing up your routine.

4. Challenge Yourself-If you aren’t profusely sweating during your workout, you need to put more into it. Ever hear the saying “What you put in is what you get out”? That is exactly how weight loss is, too. You’ll need to focus every minute of every workout session. Stay focused and you’ll see results. Don’t be afraid of a little soreness either. No pain, no gain.

5. Sleep-Make sure you’re getting at least 6-8 hours of meaningful sleep every night. Notice I said ‘meaningful’. You need to get in touch with your R.E.M. sleep and have at least 6-8 hours of restful uninterrupted sleep. The more you get, the more energy you will have.

6. Eat fresh-Fresh meat. Fresh veggies. Fresh fruit. All these wonderful sayings that actually are truthful-“You Are What You Eat”. Imagine that with everything you consume. You should be eating tons of green veggies, salads, proteins, and some fruits. Don’t forget that you need to always have a protein with your salads.  This means you should be having grilled chicken with salad, or some tasty salmon with green beans or peas. So Delicious!

Be prepared for each week, and make a calendar for a goal “date”. Don’t rush your lifestyle change. Embrace the changes you are making to your diet, your exercise schedule, your sleep habits. You’ll see the weight come off, but you have to stick to your goal and where you want to end up. Nothing good comes easy. So take your time and be happy with the progress you’ll be making. You’ll get to celebrate by buying smaller clothes!

You’re on your way to a skinnier Full Throttle Life!


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