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How to: Spring Clean Your Life Part 2

To recap from yesterday’s post: We talked about how sometimes our lives need a little
Spring Cleaning action.  There are several facets of our lives that need “weeding” so that we can flourish! Part 1 touched on Section 1; Self. “Self” has three subsections: Body, Beauty, Attitude. If you missed yesterday’s post you’ll want to go and read that. You don’t want to miss out on a VERY important facet of your life.

Moving on to Part 2. This section is all about your Career.

Salon York PA Whether you are in a job or a career (yes, there is a difference), your happiness is what really counts. It’s absolutely amazing how, if you’re unhappy with your job, it can affect many other areas in your life. If you find that you are stressed at your job all the time, and no matter what, you can’t stop stressing or thinking about (in the bad way–worrying all the time), then you need to stop. Really. Just stop and think about how your career or job is affecting you mentally, physically, emotionally. You deserve to be happy when you go to work in the morning, and your customers, or the people you serve deserve to have great products and services offered to them.

Really think  about what you want in a career. If you have big dreams, start taking the small roads to get to the highway to get to that gold at the end of the rainbow. You have to start somewhere to get where you want to end up. So, spring clean your Career. If you aren’t doing what you love, then get out, and figure out what makes your engine roar.

I bet you’ll be thinking about this post while you’re on your way to work tomorrow…If so, let me know your thoughts by commenting!

Ps. You guessed it! Part 3 comes tomorrow with talk about spring cleaning your Spirituality! Stay tuned…


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