Combination Fusion, Tape-In Hair Extensions save the day for this client
Hair extensions save haircut gone wrong!
Busy day as usual at Indulge Salon on South George Street. My front desk coordinator mentioned that I had a hair extension consultation with a woman that needed to talk to me. I said, “great.” I love transformations and the excitement of the mystery woman would be fun.

The haircut BEFORE hair extensions
The time came for a hair extension consultation. The attractive dark haired woman sat in my chair to have me evaluate what she had going on. I said, “tell me what’s on your mind.” She started to tell me what happened that brought her short bobbed haircut in and that she hated her short hair. When I tell you that she is really attractive I mean she had big eyes, dark brown to black hair and carried herself as a professional. She had thick hair. I thought this isn’t bad until she showed me some before pictures of her longer hair.
I had to look a little closer to fix her color by evening it out in tone. After fixing her hair color, I had to decide how to proceed with adding hair extensions that looked natural and moved naturally with such short thick hair. See BEFORE photo of our client Cindi Wycheck, York, Pa.
Side note: having super thick blunt hair can be challenging for a stylist to apply hair extensions to make them look like its your hair. We have to prevent those shorter hairs from sticking out of the longer hair extensions. This can be challenging if not done correctly with the right type of extensions such as fusion, tape-in or clamps. Even though we do a great job putting them in, what matters the most is the client can manage them at home by blow drying, styling and not using hot heating tools at the scalp.
Cindi was realistic with her situation. She didn’t feel like herself with short hair. She knew she could “live” with it but knew she wanted long hair like she did before she went to Florida.
As most clients that have never had hair extensions, they vasilate between the length, maintenance and cost of extensions. She gave herself the right amount of time to think about what she wanted and I gave her the options. We found at a critical time that the amount of hair extensions that we were using called Fusion were not going to be enought to cover her blunt ends. I had to keep in mind we didn’t want to break the bank either. We both knew the goal had to be to cover the blunt ends.
Another option was to cut her hair shorter in the back to blend the cut out part behind her ear but we poo pooed that decision because she didn’t want her hair short. I installed tape-in hair extenstions for the top section to cover the other FUSION extensions. I strategically thinned out the blunt edges making them blend better. TheTAPE- IN hair extensions had to be put in on angles that suited pulling her hair up. I was pretty excited by the time we were done because I knew her hair looked so natural as if she hadn’t had her hair cut.

AFTER hair extensions installed
As a result, Cindi was a happy girl again. She felt like herself and could concentrate on her work without being self conscious of her short hair. The cool part of her hair extensions was that she is able to handle them, she can curl her natural hair, wash it, swim with them, and pull them up gently into a braid. She will be able to save money on haircuts because the hair extensions will protect her hair, Hair extension hair is much thicker therefore will lay over the shorter hair. We were able to fill in the sparse areas that were cut out. That part made me feel good. It was such a pleasure to see Cindi smile again. I bet she won’t be having her friend cut her hair again. Still friends!
The entire process can take a few hours for volume or a large part of day if you need color refreshed, hair extensions installed and learn to style your hair. We recommend a consultation to discuss a beauty budget and what your desired end results will be and to allocate the right amount of time.
Consultations – call 717.846.4424 allow 20 min