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Best birthday gift for your teen! Acne facial treatmentImagine how your teen feels when they look in the mirror and see this? Suffering from acne, cysts, blackheads, boils under the skin? Most teens have been youtube guided into how to take care of their skin. Even of they were by mom and dad, they probably wouldn’t take their advice right? Next option is to the dermatologist for a solution to […]

Categories: Anti-Aging, Skin Care, spa, Waxing

Try the new Hydra Clean facial treatment coming June 10th Stop acne breakouts. Hormonal skin from pregnancy or adult acne are excellent candidates for this cleansing facial. The Hydra Clean facial treatment is perfect with any facial although the results are more dramatic for those that have congested skin. Congested meaning blackheads and whiteheads that are clustered together in patches around the nose, the creases of the nose that are so deep […]

Categories: Announcements, spa, Waxing

                   ” It’s my birthday!” One of the staff members mentions on a daily basis “It’s my birthday!” We frantically check our schedules to see if we were off and are relieved that we didn’t forget her birthday. Casually we remind her that her birthday is in August. I bet when she is older she will be doing the same thing. When I […]

Categories: Blog, Hair, Skin Care, spa

Try our Indulge Classic Aromatic Facial! Our classic aromatic facial delivers the most relaxing, stress reducing treatment that will take you on a stay vacation here in York, Pa.  The Indulge Classic facial with essential oils gives an aromatherapy experience to take your stress away. Manual manipulations with techniques that help with lymphatic drainage from sinus cavities. The Indulge Classic Facial includes lymphatic drainage helping to reduce chronic sinus congestion, fluid that […]

Categories: pedicure, Skin Care, spa, Stress

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