Celebrate your birthday at Indulge Salon
” It’s my birthday!”
One of the staff members mentions on a daily basis “It’s my birthday!” We frantically check our schedules to see if we were off and are relieved that we didn’t forget her birthday. Casually we remind her

Indulge Salon Gift Cards
that her birthday is in August. I bet when she is older she will be doing the same thing. When I mean older, we mean 80’s or 90’s. By then she can have her birthday everyday if she wants.
My point is that everyday is someone’s birthday. We never made a birthday in our house a big deal when I was little yet I secretly wanted a birthday party. Last year, my staff surprised me with a birthday party at the salon with friends, clients, staff and family. I was shocked and they were too because they sneakily had this planned with my nurses at the house , the rest of the team, my family whom had either driven in or flown in to be part of the surprise. Let’s just say when I arrived that I was in the middle of my intense work day from home and I wasn’t looking cute like I do for work at the salon. My hair wasn’t done, my makeup wasn’t done, I was still in my pj’s with zero undergarments. I mean I was up early trying to get my day underway. I certainly didn’t think I was to be arriving at my own birthday party.
Surprise birthday party!
One of my team members, Chasta Strouse came over to pick up some things and asked if I was getting a shower? Odd that she would ask me about that but I blew if off and then I received an emergency call to come to the salon which of course I did. It was great! I did keep my coat on because you know why!
The point is a birthday party makes you feel the love from family and friends. I never expected anything. They had beverages, cake with lots of icing, presents, and just lots of hugs. It was a great birthday.
The best birthday gifts are those that really mean something to the person that is receiving. My grandmother always gave me gifts that she would like herself. I love giving gifts that are special such as an Indulge Gift Card or special Indulge Pure Originals Honey Almond Lotion. Giving special gifts make me happy when they mean more to the other person. Giving the gift of eyelashes to a woman that can’t grow them would really be special because now she will feel better about herself. Highlights are great birthday ideas because its a transformation from blah to boom fabulous! Learn about our skin care at www.skincareformatureskin.com and indulgesalon.com/skin-chemical-peels
If you need ideas, we are here for you at Indulge Salon, York, Pa. Will today be your birthday?