Indulge Salon
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Defineyour color.Defineyou

Indulge Pure Originals Body Butter bars were created in 2009 to eliminate dry skin that plagued my dry skin. I didn’t know if it was nerves but all I was experienced is the most itchy skin that no cream I tried would stop the itching. If you want to try THE most amazingly perfect moisturizer in a bar with zero waste then run to this link  and try one of […]

Let me introduce you to this little powerhouse of friendliness. She loves caring for our clients and tries to schedule with an effiiciency to not make you wait. She is a good listener and will follow through on what you ask her to do for you. Our Melissa has a degree in Human Resources. We are proud to have her on our team. Please congratulate her when you see her..

Categories: Announcements, Blog

Excessive hair loss can be depressing especially when you comb your hair in the morning and see the hairs lingering behind in your comb or brush. I bet you are wondering how in the world has this happened? Am I not healthy? Is there a problem? Is there enough to donate to locks of love for cancer patients? I personally thought this was interesting since I am going through this […]