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Defineyour color.Defineyou

Sardinia is an Italian island — the second largest in the Mediterranean Sea. Boasting an extensive history that includes everything from Roman ruins to Byzantine treasures inland, Sardinia is best loved for it’s coastal areas and short vacation getaways. I don’t know about you, but that sounds alright to me! In our new Copacabana Collection, the most fuss free color technique is named after Sardinia. It incorporates free-hand painting starting […]

There is nothing new about fashion and interior design inspiring and borrowing from one another. Think about the wild patterns of the 1960s and 1970s used in both wallpaper and dress fabric, or the bold, structured looks that became so prevalent in both how we dressed and decorated our homes in the 1980s and 1990s. Over the past few years we have seen the French technique of Ombre—a gradual transitioning […]

This is the latest in hilighting. The process of coloring the base color either blonde or keeping it natural with some chunkier highlights located through the middle and to the ends is the entire focus of this technique. We have perfected the process by applying some natural looking highlights in sections that “peek” through the base color. Ask for it! low maintenance and it will not require a regular hilite […]