Indulge Salon
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If you are like the rest of us trying to find the best moisturizer to eliminate dry skin by buying the hottest skin cream, moisturizers, hand lotions, body lotions and anything else that comes down the pike to get rid of the itcy dry skin then search no more because we have found the answer for you! I personally have had the most dry itchy skin you can imagine – […]

Indulge Pure Originals Body Butter bars were created in 2009 to eliminate dry skin that plagued my dry skin. I didn’t know if it was nerves but all I was experienced is the most itchy skin that no cream I tried would stop the itching. If you want to try THE most amazingly perfect moisturizer in a bar with zero waste then run to this link  and try one of […]

Getting ready for your Valentine can be daunting. You may want to prepare to have a smooth flow to your date about 7 days prior to your special evening. To help prepare you for your evening’s festivities, we wanted to ensure that you have enough time to grow out the bikini area or if you want to go full out with the Brazilian experience by all means get ready. We […]