Indulge Salon
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Defineyour color.Defineyou

Trichotillomania People who have trichotillomania have an irresistible urge to pull out their hair, usually from their scalp, eyelashes, and eyebrows. Trichotillomania is a type ofimpulse control disorder. People with these disorders know that they can do damage by acting on the impulses, but they cannot stop themselves. What can you do about it? Giving yourself a reason that is more exciting than pulling your hair out can be the […]

Categories: Hair Extensions

Hair extensions save haircut gone wrong! Busy day as usual at Indulge Salon on South George Street. My front desk coordinator mentioned that I had a hair extension consultation with a woman that needed to talk to me. I said, “great.” I love transformations and the excitement of the mystery woman would be fun. The time came for a hair extension consultation. The attractive dark haired woman sat in my […]

Categories: Hair Extensions, Happiness