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Defineyour color.Defineyou

Rainbow hair color that expresses the real you

Rainbow hair color is not just Rainbow pastel hair colorfor the rebels of yester year

She wants individuality, demands a unique experience, and wants the flexibility of her conservative color for day and rainbow hair color for night.

About 30 years ago, we would have been looking at someone with red hair, purple hair any color of the rainbow hair as if they had a second head. What I realize is that these creative individuals had their own authority of ideas with their hair which was a form of expression. I wished I was more open to that back then but I wasn’t raised that way. How unfortunate because what I realize now is how much I appreciate a person that has their own authentic ideas of how they want to weave in the artistic fun in their lives. I’m all about it now. As a Master Cosmetologist, I work with all different forms of hair color along with the creativity it takes to make these looks go from conversation to reality.

Hair is a fabric of sorts. It’s porous, it’ will either accept hair color or it won’t. As  professional, we have to make a choice on the type of hair color that is used to give a result.

Rainbow hair color "during" processing Take one of my clients Sarah Lushbaugh, York Pa. she has her hair double processed then toned to a pale blonde color for years. One day she decides that she wants to have all kinds of rainbow hair color put into her hair. She calls and we talk about it. When I say we talked about it I mean we talked about the arrangement of the hair colors, which one sat next to which one and she had an elaborate creative plan about her hair. As you can tell it turned out beautiful and soft pastel looking.

We spent a few hours strategizing which colors that she had to choose from. She was pretty excited. I had taken all of the colors that she had a strong interest in applied them to a white paper towel which helps see the true tone of the hair color so that she could visualize what her hair would look like.

It turned out great for her and gave her what she wanted with her personlized rainbow hair color. The condition of her hair was excellent. Remember, this only takes on very pale blonde white hair. If the raw hair is darker, you will get a different result. We recommend working with a professional so that you can get the result that you want.

Rainbow hair color back

Sarah wanted the middle of her hair pink where there was some pale yellow underneath.

Tips on consultation with your professional hair colorist:

  1. Make sure you are comfortable with bright colors, neon colors or pastel. Communicate the type of technique such as balayage, ombre’ highlights, foil highlights or all over. list.  “In the old days of foil, clients were in the chair every four to six weeks for upkeep,” Braun says. With balayage, Braun might see a client only three to four times a year for an hour or less. The technique requires a high degree of skill that hasn’t been widely taught until recent years, although it’s been around since the late fifties. Balayage has only recently stepped into the limelight thanks to models and A-listers who love this beautiful look.
  2. Check your beauty budget. The Prep can be expensive if your hair is not as light as it should be. It’s important to be specific on the result you are looking for when it cmes to Rainbow haircolor. Doing the prep work to lighten the hair that is left in healthy condition is VERY important. If your budget doesn’t allow the entire head to be done or the length was not achievable (the longer the hair the more expensive) the the tips of the hair or the bottom area could be acomplished with an ombre’ look.
  3. Once the rainbow hair color is in the hair, it isn’t coming out right away. It stains the hair and if the colors blend into each other you may get a whole new rainbow hair color such as red and blue make purple wherever they connect.

To learn more about rainbow hair color or would enjoy a consultation….contact us at Indulge Salon York Pa at 717.846.4424. book online here. 

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