Rainbow hair colors – back to natural?


Green Rainbow Hair
Rainbow haircolor back natural, what to do?
We have been correcting a lot of haircolor this week at Indulge Salon South George St. To say that we have been busy is an understatement. You would have thought the haircolor bus stopped out on George St and said to all of the passengers, anybody that thinks they have bad hair color – GET OFF and get it fixed. Well, probably most of the bus was left off to visit us. We are very thankful.
The challenges that my rainbow colored clients run into is that they think we can just remove those lemon lime greens, or emerald green, blues, teals, reds, and yellows with one step. Some of these rainbow colors that don’t want to budge out of the hair easily.
We actually have to do a cleaning process to see if the hair can hold up under the scrutiny of bleach or highlighting products to remove the fabric dye out of the hair. I said it, FABRIC DYE. Most of these colors are not naturally derived and have intense dyes that only show up on pale yellow or pre-lightened to accept the dyes. Our experience is that of an onion, the more we remove those bright colors, the more surprises we see underneath that original bright rainbow color. For example, this client just did her hair by a “friend” The friend did friends work but left it really splotchy and as we started to allow the remover to lift, it went from a emerald green to a teal, to a purplish color. This part can be scary since we really don’t know what is going to emerge. That is why we are professionals and can remove color for you. We can take our clients back to a natural. In some cases, we may have to put pigment back into the hair, we may have to condition if necessary and we may have to reapply in two weeks if they color starts fading due to the client over processing their hair. Once the color is removed, we are left we a raw underlying color that has to be colored either darker or a different tone on the light side. Either way, the color pigments from the rainbow may pop back out to surprise us again during hte coloring process. We may have to fill your hair which is color pigment that we put back in the hair to fill in the gaps similar to filling pot holes in the road. Once we fill the hair, we then have to apply your desired color. You see, this takes time and is not inexpensive.

If you want your hair to be any of the rainbow colors, we will have to have a consultation. We will look at what you have and where you want to be. We will talk about the maintenance if you want to keep the colors or eventually fade them out or have them removed altogether. To get the beautiful colors even, we have to take a systematic approach towards getting your perfect end result with the right lighteners and products that will keep your hair healthy. This is not an easy process and can be time consuming.
I know you guys watch the do-it-yourselfers but truly we end up fixing the

people who do that. Typically, we will see the hair break off in spots, or the color will be spotty and that is never attractive and the look is not even. The hair color has faded to quickly without the proper coaching on how to maintain the hair. I know its fun to have all sorts of colors. Its not fun when they all run together into a blob of color. We can usually remedy that mess in about 20 minutes. After we lift off some of that uneven spotty color, we can go from there. If you need help, give us a call. We work as a team to get you where you want to go with your colors.