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Balayage Highlights – Ombre Capri

I just learned that the Capri Tango Festival happens each year in June! Wouldn’t that be fun to attend?! Imagine being on a tiny Italian island with tango music and dancers everywhere! There is a sexy allure to the music and to the striking movements of the tango.

Salon York PA Our Balayage tribute to Capri is a free-hand highlighting that is lighter at mid-length and toward the ends of your hair, following the flow of your hair style, to create striking movements of gorgeous color, as though we imitate the tango in your hair.

For more information about Balayage highlighting, check out our website at

Thinking about Capri is a great time to remind you to double check your sunscreen. You wouldn’t want to walk around the sunny island of Capri without it, but you shouldn’t walk around at home without it either. It’s important to wear good protection everyday. If you have questions or concerns about the sunscreen you have been using, don’t hesitate to contact our South George Street salon and ask our skin care technician if you have adequate sunscreen protection in your brand. Call us at 717.846.4424 today.


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