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Last weeks weather was incredible!  After waiting and waiting for spring to appear, it felt like we jumped straight into summer! Boots were relegated to the closet and the flip flops came out!!! Were your feet ready for it? Flip flop ready is what I call it … although it goes far beyond the casualness of flip flops and covers sandals, peep toes, and even the more office-appropriate sling backs. […]

Categories: Blog, nail services, pedicure

Green coffee beans have been making headlines lately, touted for having natural anti-oxidant that have been linked to promoting appetite suppression, lowering blood pressure and cholesterol , enhanced energy levels, and weight loss (see a fact sheet from Dr. Oz on green coffee beans for weight loss at But coffee beans are also an excellent exfoliate that promote anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effects on the skin, and stimulate collagen production […]

Categories: Blog, nail services, pedicure