A chemical skin peel can help you slough off dead winter skin—BUT CALL NOW!
In the salon industry, do you know one of the very first sure signs of spring? A rush of clients scheduling skin peels (also called chemical peels). Yep, we always see a flurry of activity around this time of year of people that want a serious treatment that will help improve the pigmentation of the skin, and reduce the appearance of acne scars, mild sun damage, large pores, and fine wrinkles.
Because our skincare specialists at Indulge Salons will not perform these treatments as it gets closer to the sun filled days of summer, the rush is on now! Skin peels are a serious procedure that removes the top layer of skin. Because of the resulting “new skin” that is left is considerably more susceptible to sun damage and skin discoloration, we stop scheduling peels as spring days get warmer and start beckoning all of us to spend time outside. It is important to seriously limit sun exposure for at least three weeks after a peel, and despite your promises and best intentions, that’s just too hard for most of us to do once the weather is really nice.
Indulge Salons offer a variety of peels in different strengths to address different key skincare issues. This article explains in greater detail what the differences are and what you should consider in this type of skincare treatment.
Contact an Indulge Salons skincare specialist at 717.846.4424 today to schedule a consultation. Visit our website at https://www.indulgesalon.com/chemical-skin-peel to learn more.